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China Launches New Poverty Reduction Case Database

May 26, 2017

BEIJING, May 26, 2017 - The Chinese government today launched a database of poverty-reduction cases, which aims to share innovative and successful approaches and solutions from China and other developing countries and contribute to the global fight to end poverty.

The Global Poverty Reduction Online Knowledge Sharing Database works as a portal for South-South knowledge sharing. It presents cases in a user-friendly way, while also allowing users to upload cases, thereby creating a truly global poverty reduction database.

“There are still more than 700 million people living in poverty in the world today. Poverty reduction is a global strategy that calls for global action. Using ICT to enhance knowledge sharing is an important initiative to help reduce poverty and boost South-South cooperation. We should make good use of this platform to collect new cases and good practices from across the world, and help developing countries find solutions to poverty,” said Guo Weimin, Vice Minister of the State Council Information Office.

The database is part of the Global Poverty Reduction & Inclusive Growth Portal, an online platform for knowledge sharing initiated by the World Bank with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the private sector partners. It is managed by the China Internet Information Center and the International Poverty Reduction Center in China. A partnership has been established with more than 40 global think tanks and research institutions to contribute to the case database.

“China has achieved phenomenal success in reducing poverty, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty between 1981 and 2015, the fastest rate of poverty reduction ever recorded in human history. China’s experience in poverty reduction can offer useful lessons to other developing countries,” said Bert Hofman, World Bank Country Director for China, Mongolia and Korea.

The online case database was launched at the 2017 China Poverty Reduction International Forum held in Beijing today, which aims to share experience and discuss practical solutions to poverty. The event was jointly organized by the government, the World Bank, FAO and ADB.

“Invaluable poverty reduction policies and knowhow generated in China and elsewhere should be made available to the international community to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals. In that regard, the launch of the online case database is a key step forward, and innovation should be embedded in the sharing of policies and best practices,” said Vincent Martin, FAO Representative in China and DPR Korea. 

Media Contacts
In Beijing
Li Li
Tel : (86-10) 5861-7850

