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World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim's statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

March 11, 2016

TOKYO, March 11, 2016 — The following is a statement by the World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim:

"Marking the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, the World Bank Group wishes to honor the thousands of people affected by the disaster.

Five years ago, the people of Tohoku felt the enormous brunt of the 9.0 earthquake. We want to express our admiration for their tireless efforts to rebuild their lives and livelihoods. The people of Tohoku continue to inspire the world with their determination, the resilience they have embodied, and the lessons they share to help people and communities around the world avoid similar catastrophes by recognizing and preparing for disaster risks.”

We would like to thank the Japanese people for their leadership and generosity in bringing the global community together around the Sendai Framework, which aims to protect other countries from disasters and build resilience around world.

The World Bank Group reaffirms its commitment to work with Japan and our partners around the globe towards creating a safer world, by drawing on the knowledge and experience of the people of Japan.

Media Contacts
In Tokyo
Tomoko Hirai
Tel : +81-3(3597)6650


