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WB Supports Better Water Management in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

November 27, 2013

Washington, DC, November 27, 2013—The World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$25 million credit to Vietnam to help Vietnam better manage trans-boundary water resources and climate risks through river basin approaches and improved water resources data collection, analysis, and exchange.

The Integrated Water Resources Management Project – Phase 2 will contribute to the overall goal of implementation of integrated water resources management in the Lower Mekong Basin for sustainable economic, social and environmental development by developing the capacity of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National Mekong Committee and relevant agencies.

The project is the second part of a 4-phase program, which establishes key examples of integrated water resources management practices in the Lower Mekong basin at the regional, national, and sub-national levels, thus contributing to more sustainable river basin development in the Lower Mekong.

The Project will: 1) provide support for the institutional development of integrated water resources management in Vietnam’s part of the Sesan-Srepok Basin; 2) help establish a Water Resources Monitoring Network at the border areas with Cambodia and Lao PDR in the Lower Mekong and a water resources information system for the Vietnam part of the Lower Mekong; and 3) strengthen the hydro-meteorological information network, flood forecasting and warning system in the Central Highlands.

The credit of US$ 25 million comes from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessional lending arm for low-income countries.  

Media Contacts
In Hanoi
Nguyen Hong Ngan
Tel : 84-4-39346600 ext. 234
In Washington
Chisako Fukuda,
Tel : 202 473-9424


