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Law, Justice and Development Week 2013 to Discuss New Ways of Delivering Development Solutions

November 14, 2013

WASHINGTON, November 14, 2013 - The World Bank and its partners are developing tools and approaches in the areas of rule of law and justice to support effective delivery of development solutions. Integrating voice, social contract and accountability in the design of projects can make a difference in the quality and effectiveness of delivery. Exploring how law and justice concepts, tools and knowledge can be used to improve development delivery and help translate the values of voice, social contract and accountability into development impact, is the focus of The World Bank Group Law, Justice and Development Week 2013. The Week will provide opportunities to hear more than 200 experts and thought-leaders in over 50 sessions offered.

This year, the World Bank Group is honored to welcome Albie Sachs, Former Judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, who will deliver a keynote address at the opening session. Albie Sachs is a renowned jurist and advocate who worked alongside Nelson Mandela in the fight for liberation and equality in South Africa. He was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa by Nelson Mandela where he served from 1994-2009 and authored landmark judgments on social and economic rights that have helped improve the lives of the poor in South Africa.


  • Emerging concept of “Science of Delivery” as a development approach that focuses on getting public goods and services to people in a way that meets their expectations and how law and justice tools can be used to achieve that..
  • Africa Day, co-organized with the African Development Bank, devoted to critical legal issues in Africa's development process.
  • Legal, policy and institutional issues of common interest to International Financial Institutions (IFIs).

The Law, Justice and Development (LJD) Week 2013 is a yearly event organized by The World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. The Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD), with its 145 partners, is also collaborating in the event. The GFLJD connects countries, judiciaries, think-tanks, regional and international organizations, development agencies, and civil society organizations by providing a forum for improving development outcomes in the field of law and justice through research and practice.


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Tel : (202) 458-1530


