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Macmillan Limited & C. Lotti and Associati Societa di Ingegneria S.p.A Released from Debarment

April 29, 2013

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2013 — The World Bank Group has released Macmillan Limited (Macmillan) and C. Lotti and Associati Societa di Ingegneria S.p.A (Lotti) from debarment following the determination by its Integrity Compliance Office that the companies have satisfactorily fulfilled their release conditions, including the adoption and implementation to date of their respective Corporate Compliance Programs.

"A solid and credible compliance program is a company's passport to doing business in development projects," said Leonard McCarthy, World Bank Integrity Vice President.  "Meeting the rigorous provisions of the World Bank's compliance standards is proving successful in allowing companies a second chance to offer services with integrity.  Our success in deterring corruption and protecting the integrity of World Bank-financed projects can only be sustained by strengthening accountability and supporting enforcement action by governments to ensure that development resources reach their intended beneficiaries."

The undertakings relating to the adoption and implementation of satisfactory corporate compliance programs by debarred companies were introduced as part of the reform of the Bank Group's sanction system that came into effect in September 2010.  The Bank's emphasis on corporate compliance programs aims to ensure that companies foster and maintain higher integrity standards.  Both companies are now eligible to bid on World Bank Group-financed contracts.

Media Contacts
In Washington
Dina El Naggar
Tel : (202) 473-3245

