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Invitation to the Youth Art Painting and Sculpture and Open Air Gallery Competition

July 30, 2012

LA PAZ, July 30, 2012 – Amateur and professional young artists living in La Paz Department are invited to participate in the Concurso Arte Joven y Galería al aire libre (Youth Art and Open Air Gallery Competition) organized by the municipal government of El Alto, the World Bank and the I3 Impacto Social Company. The competition, which has the support of several renowned artists, will have two age categories for both painting and sculpture: 16-22 years old and 23-30 years old.

The deadline for registration and submission of small-format or scale-model works is August 13, 2012. On August 14-15, a jury composed of renowned artists will choose the eight winning pieces – four paintings and four sculptures. Winners will be announced at on August 16. Additional information about the competition can be found on the website. In late September, the eight finished pieces will be permanently installed in an open air gallery located on Avenida Litoral, Barrio Nuevos Horizontes, District 2.

The opening ceremony for the gallery is scheduled for mid-October. Competition winners will also receive their prizes at this event.

On past July 21, members of El Alto’s Nuevos Horizontes neighborhood worked together with World Bank staff to clear the location that will serve as the open air gallery. Later, when the completed artworks are submitted and the gallery is completed, the community-World Bank team will install the exhibit.

El Alto Municipal architects will design the gallery and the municipality will provide the necessary machinery, labor and most of the economic resources for its construction. The World Bank and other sponsors, including Banco Sol, the Estas Vivo de Viva Foundation and the Bisa Insurance Company, will provide additional financing.

Staff of the I3 Impacto Social Company will offer administrative and logistical support for the competition.

Some 20 established artists who live in La Paz will auction off their artwork to raise funds for the competition. Part of these resources will be allocated to cash prizes, workshops and scholarships for the eight winners. First-place winners of the painting and sculpture competition in the 23-30 year-old category will receive Bs 10.500 (US$ 1,500).

Media Contacts
In La Paz, Bolivia
Gabriela Orozco
Tel : +591 2 261-3347


