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Grant Winners Of Civil Society Fund 2011

May 23, 2011

Five projects suggested by the Belarusian civil society organizations have been announced grant winners of Civil Society Fund of the World Bank in 2011 and will receive grants up to US$ 9300 for the implementation of their ideas. Grant winners include:



Local Charity Fund "Future for the Youth"

Family Ecology

Gomel Regional Public Association of Handicapped Persons "Spinal Invalids"

Towards Barrier-Free Environment

Public Association "Women for Revival of the Naroch Territory"

 Young Entrepreneur School

Gomel Regional Charitable Public Association "Education"

270 Days of Economy

Brest Regional Branch of the Public Association "BirdLife Belarus"

Involving At-Risk Students and Community in Solving the Problem of Endangered Mammals of Dormouse Family

The World Bank Civil Society Fund (CSF) in Belarus finances small initiatives of civil society organizations that promote development, dialogue, and cooperation at the community level. CSF helps building consensus around Bank activities, conducting dialogues with external stakeholders and promoting the Bank’s public image as a transparent and inclusive institution. The CSF awards start-up funds to ideas that bring people and local institutions together and have the greatest promise of moving from concept to results in addressing small communities’ development priorities through concrete actions drawing in volunteers and promoting self-realization and inclusion.

63 project applications proposing solutions of local problems with active involvement of communities have been submitted to the contest supported by Civil Society Fund of the World Bank in 2011. The Annual Program of Civil Society Fund (former Small Grants Program) for non-governmental associations has been implemented in Belarus since 1999. 81 projects worth of US$510 thousand have been supported during this period.

