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The most modern visitors' center at the Seaside was opened under the Pomorie lake project

June 11, 2010

Pomorie, June 10, 2010 – The most modern visitor’s center at the Bulgarian Seaside was officially opened today. The building of the center is the final phase of the Pomorie Lake Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management Project which started in 2005 with the aim to ensure the long-term sustainable development of Pomorie Lake. The projects amounts to $ 863 100 and it is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the World Bank. The project is implemented by the Green Balkans - environmental NGO in partnership with Pomorie municipality.

The Center was opened by the Resident Representative of the World Bank for Bulgaria Florian Fichtl, the Pomorie municipality Mayor Petar Zlatanov, Boicho Georgiev, Director of RIEW-Burgas and Valentina Fidanova, member of the board of Green Balkans.

All environmentalists and guests of the town of Pomorie already have free access to the attractive exposition of photos and interestng inforamation for the saline lagoon. On a special screen within the exposition hall, the island of the Sandwich Terns of Pomorie Lake can be observed on live. Besides that, a magnificent view towards the complex of protected territories can be seen from the second floor of the new building.

The center is owned by the Municipality of Pomorie and will be managed by Green Balkans NGO. It was built within GEF project, but additional funding for the interior design and furnishing were attracted from the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria through Operational Program “Environment” 2007-2013

The ceremonial ribbon was cut by Mrs. Fidanova, who is responsible for the projects of Green Balkans related to Pomorie Lake, the mayor of the town of Pomorie, the Director of the Regional inspectorate for environment and waters and the official representative of the World Bank in Bulgaria – Mr. Florian Fichtl. Mr. Toma Belev – the chairman of Green Balkans, whished success in the work of the new center and read a congratulatory letter from the Vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria Angel Marin.

As a symbol of the new beginning, Mr. Fichtl released in the wild a bird cured in the Rescue center for wild animals of Green Balkans.


