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World Bank In Turkmenistan Announces Launch Of The Civil Society Fund Program 2010

February 15, 2010

Attention: The deadline for submission of applications was extended until April 16, 2010

Ashgabat, February 15, 2010 - The World Bank Liaison Office in Turkmenistan is pleased to announce launch of the 2010 Civil Society Fund Program (CSFP) (formerly known as the Small Grants Program) for Turkmen organizations.

The Civil Society Fund Program (CSFP) was created in 1983 to provide a way for the World Bank to promote dialogue and dissemination of information about development, and to enhance partnerships with the civil society. Grants are provided through participating World Bank Country Offices. World Bank Liaison Office in Turkmenistan has been administering the program since 2003.

Any institution involved in development broadly defined may apply for a grant. However, the CSFP prefers to support nonprofit, nongovernmental, nonacademic organizations. The CSFP provides grants in the range of $5,000 to $9,000 each, but the grants rarely fund more than half of the proposed budget for an activity, and therefore grantees are encouraged to use the CSFP grants to leverage additional contributions from other sources. Applications are accepted in the World Bank Liaison Office in Turkmenistan located in Ashgabat, application deadline is March 31, 2010.

The Civil Society Fund Program supports activities related to civic engagement for the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups.  Activities should:

  • Promote dialogue and dissemination of information; and
  • Enhance partnerships with key players in support of the development process. Key players could include government agencies, civil society organizations, multilateral and bilateral agencies, foundation, and private sector.

In 2010 priorities will be given to the projects focusing on engagement of youth and disabled in the development processes.

Civic engagement is the process through which civil society organizations actively engage in relationships and actions with the state and other development actors to address issues of public concern. World Bank believes that socially active and empowered citizens facilitate development processes in their countries.

Media Contacts
Serdar Jepbarov
Tel : (+993 12) 350477
Oraz Sultanov
Tel : (+993 12) 350477


