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LOANS & CREDITS June 19, 2020

Lesotho, Malawi, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Health Community, and Africa Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa Development - Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support Project - Additional Financing


IDA Credit: US $21 million equivalent

Maturity: 30 years    Grace: 5 years


IDA Grant: US $27 million equivalent

East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)

IDA Grant: US $5 million equivalent

Africa  Union Development  Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD)

IDA Grant: US $3 million equivalent

Project ID: P173228

Project Objectives Description: The project development objectives are to: (i) improve coverage and quality of tuberculosis (TB) control and occupational lung diseases (OLD) services in targeted geographic areas of the participating countries; (ii) strengthen regional capacity to manage the burden of TB  and  OLD; and (iii) strengthen country-level and  cross-border  preparedness and response to disease outbreaks. The purpose of the proposed Additional Financing is twofold: (i) to scale up high-impact interventions and innovations in TB control and occupational health and safety (OHS); and (ii) to expand the geographic coverage of  successful  interventions and improve the effectiveness of  cross-border preparedness and response to disease outbreaks. The PDO remains unchanged; however, Component 2 of the  Project  includes a new subcomponent  on COVID-19 response and integrated TB and OLD care to maximize potential synergies in tackling such diseases.

For more information about this project, visit
