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LOANS & CREDITS March 2, 2020

Uganda - Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project- Additional Financing

IDA Credit: US $99.8 million equivalent

Maturity: 38 years    Grace: 6 years

Project ID: P169435

Project Objectives Description: The objective of the additional financing is to (a) to support measures that facilitate increased private sector investment in the tourism sector; and (b) strengthen effectiveness of the land administration system.  The parent project, which aimed to improve  the  competitiveness  of  enterprises  in  Uganda  by  providing  support for: (i)  the implementation of business environment reforms, including the land administration  reform and (ii) the development of priority productive and service sectors has achieved majority of its outcomes, and the proposed Additional Financing (AF) is aimed at scaling up the successes of the parent project’s land and tourism components.


Aby Toure
(202) 473 -8302