WASHINGTON, June 30, 2017 - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved the Ferghana Valley Water Resources Management Project - Phase 2 for Uzbekistan.
IBRD credit: US$ 144.90 million
Terms ID: Maturity = 20 years; Grace = 5 years
Project ID: P149610
Project description: The project aims to improve the quality of irrigation and drainage services for farmers in the Ferghana Valley of Uzbekistan. The project includes components on irrigation and agricultural modernization, improvements in drainage service delivery and irrigation water efficiency. Over 180,000 farmers in the Ferghana Valley are expected to benefit from project specific activities. Water management staff working for district, region and basin water management institutions in the project area will benefit through training and improved water management procedures.
Find out more: https://projects.worldbank.org/P149610?lang=en