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Western Africa - Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE) Phase II

March 1, 2017

IDA Grant: $7.0 million equivalent
IDA Credit: $140.0 million equivalent

  • IDA Credit to the Republic of Guinea Bissau: $21 million equivalent
    Terms: Maturity = 38 years; Grace = 6 years
  • IDA Credit to the Republic of Liberia: $15 million equivalent
    Terms: Maturity = 38 years; Grace = 6 years
  • IDA Credit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria: $90 million equivalent
    Terms: Maturity = 25 years; Grace = 5 years
  • IDA Credit to the Republic of Togo: $14 million equivalent
    Terms: Maturity = 38 years; Grace = 6 years
  • IDA Grant to the Republic of Togo: $7 million equivalent

Project ID: P159040

Project description: The project will strengthen national and regional cross‐sectoral capacity for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in West Africa.

Media Contacts
In Washington
Ekaterina Svirina
Tel : (202) 458-1042

