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Access to longer term finance for micro, small and medium enterprises project

November 18, 2016

IBRD Loan: US$50 million equivalent

Terms: Maturity = 32.5 years, Grace = 7 years

Project ID: P159515

Project Description: The objectives of the Project are to improve access to, and strengthen the framework for the provision of, longer term finance for eligible micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The project will finance a credit line intermediated by Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior S.A. (BICE) to participating financial institutions for on-lending to MSMEs; technical assistance and capacity building to: (i) support BICE’s strengthening of its second-tier lending business model, (ii) strengthen the financial infrastructure and credit guarantee program that will improve the enabling environment for access to credit, and (iii) enhance the capacity of MSMEs to become bankable.

