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Serbia: Second Programmatic State Owned Enterprises Reform DPL

October 25, 2016

IBRD Loan: EUR 89,800,000 (US$100 million equivalent)

Terms: Maturity = 14.5 years, Grace = 14.5 years

Project ID:  P149750

Project Description:

The Program Development Objective of this project is to reduce state participation and level of direct and indirect support to the real sector, enhance State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) performance, governance and accountability, and mitigate the short term social and labor impacts of the SOEs restructuring and disposition plans. It is the second in a series of two Development Policy Loans (DPLs) designed to support the Republic of Serbia reform program of the state owned enterprise sector.


Media Contacts
In Washington D.C.
Elena Karaban
Tel : (202) 473-9277

