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Jordan - Economic Opportunities for Jordanian and Syrian Refugees Program-for-Results

September 27, 2016

WASHINGTON, September 27, 2016 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

Jordan - Economic Opportunities for Jordanian and Syrian Refugees Program-for-Results

Loan and Credit: US $ 300 million (IBRD Loan US $ 200 million and IDA Credit US $ 100 million with the Concessional Financing Facility Support)

Loan Maturity: 35 years Grace period: 5 years

Credit Maturity: 38 years Grace period 6 years

Project ID: P159522

Project Description: The Program Development Objective is to improve economic opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian refugees in Jordan. The Program will help in reforming Jordan’s labor market regulations to grant access to Syrian refugee workers to the formal labor market and allowing them to legally contribute to Jordan’s economic activity; improving Jordan’s investment climate; and attracting and retaining investments—both domestic and foreign, especially in manufacturing, in Special Economic Zones that will benefit from preferential access to the European Union.

Media Contacts
Lara Saade
Tel : (202) 473-9887

