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Lebanon - Lake Qaraoun Pollution Prevention Project

July 14, 2016

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2016 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

Lebanon - Lake Qaraoun Pollution Prevention Project

IBRD Loan: US $ 55 million

Maturity: 13.5 years Grace period: 6 years

Project ID: P147854

Project Description: The project objectives are to reduce the quantity of untreated municipal sewage discharged into the Litani River and to improve pollution management around Qaraoun Lake by constructing a sewage network and connecting it to wastewater treatment plants. The project will work closely with main farmers in the area to reduce the quantity of fertilizers and pesticide currently being used in agriculture. In addition, the project will fund cleanup campaigns to remove trash from the river banks.

Media Contacts
Lara Saade
Tel : (202) 473-9887

