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World Bank Increases Support for Health Sector in Bangladesh

June 24, 2016

WASHINGTON, June 24, 2016 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved additional financing for the following project.

Bangladesh: Health Sector Development Program

IDA Credit: US$150 million equivalent

Terms: Maturity = 38 years, Grace = 6 years

Project ID: P118708

Project Description:  The additional support will help the government address health sector challenges including: sustaining and improving immunization coverage; improving deliveries for pregnant women at public health facilities; and tackling multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. The financing will also help Bangladesh improve public financial management to get more value from its public spending on health. Further, the financing will support developing a robust health information system, including a web-based complaint -handling mechanism - the first in Bangladesh.

Media Contacts
In Dhaka
Mehrin Ahmed Mahbub
Tel : (880-2) 55667777
In Washington D.C
Yann Doignon
Tel : (202) 473-6768

