IDA Grant: US$10 million equivalent
Project ID: P115318
Project Description: The objective of the project is to improve the delivery mechanisms of prevention and support services for street children, primarily in Kinshasa. There are three components to the project, the first component being prevention. The project will also finance efforts to keep children in school, liaising with the Ministry of Education to ensure coordination and an efficient use of available resources. As experience shows that dropping out of school is often the first step toward life in the streets, many local actors support school attendance for at-risk children as a preventive measure. The second component is the assistance. This component will finance a set of activities aimed at improving coverage and quality of services for street children, with special attention to street girls. Finally, the third component is capacity building, coordination, and project management. This component will provide for technical assistance and training to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and National Solidarity.