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People's Republic of China: Shandong Ecological Afforestation Project

May 6, 2010

IBRD Loan: US$60 million
Terms: Maturity = 27 years; Grace = 8 years
Project ID: P112759
Project Description: The objective of the project is to demonstrate effective afforestation models for environmentally degraded areas in support of Shandong's environmental afforestation programs. The loan will support environmental plantation establishment. This will be implemented in 30 selected counties of Shandong province and will include two sub-components: (a) re-vegetation of degraded mountainous areas through planting of tree and shrub vegetation on highly degraded hillsides with a shallow soil cover; and (b) establishing protection forest plantations on saline coastal areas by planting trees and shrubs along roads, canals, and in areas designated for afforetation to protect agricultural land, improve productivity, and stabilize the newly created alluvial land near the mouth of the Yellow River.
The loan will also support upgrading nurseries to propagate wider number of shrub and tree species including improving seedling quality, nursery equipment, onsite irrigation system (sub-lateral or smaller ditches), as well as providing training to small nurseries in nursery management and seedling requirements, applied research, extension, and dissemination programs to generate and disseminate a wider range of species and planting techniques, and strengthening the capacity of project implementing agencies at the provincial and local levels in project management, and monitoring and evaluation through the provision of technical assistance, training, and study tours.

Media Contacts
Elisabeth Mealey
Tel : (202) 4584475

