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Rwanda: Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Grant

March 30, 2010

IDA Grant: US$115.8 million equivalent
Project ID: P113241
Project Description: The Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Grant for Rwanda aims to support more efficient governance and contribute to broad based growth by easing the key constraints posed by low agriculture productivity, a low skills base, and the high cost of infrastructure services in Rwanda. Specifically, it aims at: (i)sustainably raising agricultural production; (ii)increasing access to infrastructure services; (iii)strengthening the framework for post-basic education, to build a skilled workforce and promote science and technology; (iv) deepening the financial sector including capacity building measures to facilitate increased access to finance by micro-enterprises; (v) strengthening the management of public resources at the central and local levels.

Media Contacts
Francois Gouahinga
Tel : (202) 473-0696

