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El Salvador: Sustaining Social Gains for Economic Recovery - Development Policy Loan

November 24, 2009

IBRD Loan: US$100 million
Terms: Maturity = 30 years; Grace Period = 5 years
Project ID: P118036
Project Description: The Sustaining Social Gains for Economic Recovery Program Development Policy Loan for El Salvador aims to assist the Government of El Salvador in undertaking immediate measures in the anti-crisis plan to protect the poor, while supporting the process of economic recovery through the design of new initiatives and institutional strengthening in the social sectors. Apart from providing a part of the financing for the anti-crisis plan, the DPL will also enable the Bank to provide technical assistance in the area of institutional strengthening and policy development to a new Government with limited experience in the executive branch.

Media Contacts
Gabriela Aguilar
Tel : 202-473-6768

