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India: Small and Medium Enterprise Financing and Development Project

April 30, 2009

IBRD Loan: US$400 million
TERMS: Maturity = 15 years; Grace = 5 years
Project Description: The Small and Medium Enterprise Financing and Development Project in India will provide an additional loan to the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), with the guarantee of the Republic of India, for the Small and Medium Enterprises Financing and Development Project (SMEFDP).
The additional financing will scale up the parent project and facilitate an: 1) increase in the geographical coverage of the project; 2) expansion of innovative SME loan products, including possibly loans to smaller SMEs, and receivables financing; 3) expansion of SME lending through other participating financial institutions, subject to demand; 4) exploration of the possibility of providing loans to promote investments in energy efficiency improvement technologies, subject to adequate demand from SME at the SIDBI for such funding; and 5) expansion of the coverage of the innovative Risk-Sharing Facility (RSF) that was initiated under the parent project.

Media Contacts
Erik Nora
Tel : (202) 458-4735

