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Liberia: Urban and Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project

April 21, 2009

IDA Grant: US$44 million equivalent
Project Description: The development objective of the Urban and Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project for Republic of Liberia supports government's goal of improving road access in Monrovia and targeted rural areas, as well as improving institutional structure for technical management of the road sector.
Under current projects, IDA is supporting the government in comprehensively reforming its port sector. This grant will advance IDA'S ongoing and leading effort in addressing the rebuilding and developing of Liberia's transport infrastructure and related Institution.
This operation will help respond to the situation by financing several critical components of transport infrastructure around the country, including: 1) resurfacing and rehabilitation of city streets in Monrovia and a traffic solution for one major congested city interchange; 2) rehabilitation of primary road sections in rural area; 3) maintenance of primary and secondary roads through collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) peacekeepers, and; 4) construction of a major bridge and a new fuel unloading facility.
The project will support the government's efforts to re-establish basic transport infrastructure and improve the management of the transport sector. This will contribute to increased access to social services and commercial opportunities for the citizenry and consequently contribute to poverty alleviation in Liberia.

Media Contacts
Rachel McColgan-Arnold
Tel : (202) 473-2588

