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Colombia: Familias en Acción Project for Colombia

December 18, 2008

IBRD Loan:  US$636.5 million

TERMS: Maturity = Fixed Spread Loan with a non-level repayment schedule
Project Description: This project aims to: 1) complement the income of poor families with children; 2) promote human capital formation of poor children by increasing regular check-ups, for growth monitoring and other services, and by increasing enrollment and school attendance; and 3) strengthen program quality. The project has one component: consolidation and expansion of the Familias Program. The program is directed to poor families with children below 18 years of age. Familias is a conditional cash transfer program which disburses cash transfers (grants) to families conditional on compliance with certain requirements. Currently, these include: a) assuring that children 0-6, regularly visit health centers for growth monitoring and other services, according to Ministry of Social Protection (MSP) protocols; and b) assuring that children 7-17 years of age enroll in school and attend classes no less than 80 percent of the time.


Media Contacts
Patricia Da Camara
Tel : (202) 473-4019

