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Madagascar: Irrigation and Watershed Management Project

December 6, 2008

GEF Grant: US$5.44 million

Project Description: The Irrigation and Watershed Management Project for Madagascar aims to establish a viable basis for irrigated agriculture and natural resources management in four main irrigation sites and their surrounding watersheds. The project consists of the following components: (1) laying the foundations for improved market access and sustainable intensification and diversification of irrigated and rainfed agricultural systems in the project's watersheds; (2) for improved management, maintenance and sustainability of irrigation services provision in four large-scale irrigation schemes through rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure, capacity strengthening of stakeholders and clarification of roles and responsibilities, and establishment of an appropriate incentive framework; (3) for sustainable management of watersheds including irrigated and rainfed agriculture, the conservation of the natural heritage, and improved productivity of the natural resources. And (4) managing and using resources in accordance with the project's objectives and procedures, and to put in place a policy framework that is favorable to upscaling of the project at the national level.


Media Contacts
Rachel McColgan-Arnold
Tel : (202) 458-5299

