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India: Orissa Rural Livelihoods Project

July 31, 2008

IDA Credit: US$82.4 Million
TERMS: Maturity= 35 years; Grace= 10 years
Project Description: The Orissa Rural Livelihoods Project for India aims at enhancing the socio-economic status of the poor, especially women and disadvantaged groups, in selected districts of Orissa. Project components include (a) institution building, (b) development of a Community Investment Fund, (c) a Livelihood Promotion Fund, and (d) project management, knowledge management and replication. The Community Investment Fund is expected to help community-based organizations build institutional capacity, leverage additional funds from mainstream financial institutions, and develop new financial products that better address the needs of the poor and their organizations. The Livelihood Promotion Fund will support enhanced production, productivity and profitability in key rural livelihood sectors like agriculture, horticulture, handlooms, fisheries and livestock in coastal districts.

Media Contacts
Erik Nora
Tel : (202) 458-4735

