IDA Credit: USD$ 42 million
Terms: Maturity = 40 years; Grace = 10 years.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Second Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC II) is the second in a series of credits designed to support implementation of Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (GPRSP), and focuses on maintaining a stable macroeconomic framework, improving the overall management of public expenditure, and expanding access to basic social services, with a view to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. PRSC II specifically will work specifically towards (a) strengthening the links between the GPRSP and the macroeconomic and budgetary structures; (b) improving the business climate and creating a solid foundation for private-sector-led growth; and (c) strengthening orientation toward sectoral Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) results, particularly in the areas of health, sanitation, and rural water supply, and strengthening the links between MTEF priorities.