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Panama: Social Protection project

July 26, 2007

IBRD LOAN: US$24 million
TERMS: Grace = 5 years; Maturity = 20 years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The objectives of the Social Protection project are to (1) improve the management and operation of the conditional cash transfer program to enhance its effectiveness in reaching the poorest and indigenous groups and in providing them with an incentive to invest in the human capital of their children, (2) support beneficiaries to participate in the Conditional Cash Transfers program and increase their demand for education and maternal and infant health services, (3) strengthen the supply of nutrition and child growth promotion interventions in the areas of the RO; and (4) enhance government capacity to design, implement and monitor coherent and efficient social sector policies and interventions.

Media Contacts
Stevan Jackson
Tel : (202) 473 4306

