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FEATURE STORYOctober 4, 2023

From Intern to Impact: A Junior Analyst’s Frontline Experience in Development Finance

Hatem presenting in front of monitors with financial data

Hatem Zakir, World Bank 2023

Treasury Junior Analyst, Hatem Zakir '22

  • Hatem Zakir is a Treasury Junior Analyst on the Financial Products and Client Solutions Team.
  • He recently joined a World Bank mission to a small island nation with a senior banking expert and the resident country economist to assess fiscal risk driven by surging oil prices and recommend market instruments.
  • His experience is a product of the Treasury Junior Analyst program, which brings in aspiring finance professionals directly from college for a two-year experience at the nexus of finance, development, and innovation.

Can you describe the objective behind your recent mission?

I had the privilege of joining a mission to a small island nation alongside the Country Economist and the Senior Banker for the region. The mission's primary objective was to assist the country's Ministry of Finance in assessing and managing the financial risks of surging global oil prices. The country’s vulnerability to climate change has spurred a commitment to transition to green energy. However, their current dependence on fossil fuels led to a tripling of their energy expenses in 2022, when oil prices soared. Our aim was to help them evaluate these risks and pinpoint market tools to hedge against these risks while they transition to greener energy solutions.

As a Treasury Junior Analyst, how would you describe your contributions and responsibilities within the team?

Our team helps client countries unlock the most suitable financing for development and manage financial risks through banking advisory and capital markets solutions. My role involves carrying out the analytical work necessary to assist the team’s Senior Bankers in delivering financial solutions, from analyzing interest rates, currency, and commodity risks that affect our client countries to modeling financing packages and structuring financial instruments. Our team is highly collaborative, so I am also frequently involved in supporting Senior Bankers during client interactions, drafting comprehensive communication materials, and facilitating structured capacity-building sessions. My client portfolio includes East Asia, the Pacific, and South Asia regions.

The mission, paired with my time on the team, has deepened my understanding of the intricacies involved in financing development. I have come to appreciate that it goes beyond mere data analysis; it's equally about grasping the political and economic dynamics and valuing the perspectives of a diverse set of stakeholders.
Hatem Zakir
Treasury Junior Analyst '22
With World Bank support, the Maldives has increased its renewable energy capacity from 1.5 megawatts to 17.5 megawatts.

How did your role evolve from pre-mission preparations to the mission itself?

My involvement began when the surge in oil prices in 2022 prompted an in-depth analysis of our client portfolio. Working closely with the Senior Banker responsible, I delved into the island nation's financial landscape and energy policies. After sharing our assessment and extensive consultations between the country and the Bank, the Ministry of Finance requested technical assistance and advisory support. In preparation for the mission, my role evolved into developing an analytical tool to quantify energy price risks, analyze hedging instruments such as financial derivatives, and prepare clear communication materials. During the one-week mission, our itinerary was packed: meeting with government stakeholders, strategy sessions to brainstorm potential solutions, and capacity-building workshops. The mission culminated with an extensive session, where we delivered our findings to the Ministry of Finance leadership.

Reflecting on your year as a Junior Analyst, how do you feel it equipped you for this mission?

My team's unwavering support and mentorship significantly accelerated my learning curve over the last year. The opportunity to specialize in specific regions, like South Asia and East Asia, gave me an intimate understanding of their unique challenges. Additionally, tapping into WBG's extensive network of experts enriched my perspective on topics outside my domain. Working with seasoned finance experts who willingly share their knowledge ensured that every day was an immersive learning journey.

Treasury Summer Intern & Junior Analyst Experience Webinar (2023)

From this mission and your time with the team, what are your key takeaways about development finance?

The mission, paired with my time on the team, has deepened my understanding of the intricacies involved in financing development. I have come to appreciate that it goes beyond mere data analysis; it's equally about grasping the political and economic dynamics and valuing the perspectives of a diverse set of stakeholders. If I were to capture our team's approach in two words, they would be "financial diplomacy." Tackling the pressing development challenges of today necessitates innovative thinking about financing tools that bridge diverse stakeholders, including donors, investors, financial institutions, and governments. Personally, I've learned that addressing such layered challenges demands not only sharp analytical adeptness but also creative insight and the agility to adapt to constantly evolving scenarios.

Looking back, what advice would you give yourself as an intern??

I would tell myself to be passionately proactive in every task and opportunity. A genuine curiosity will not only enhance your learning but will also make you stand out. Think of yourself as a sponge, eager to absorb knowledge from every interaction and experience. And when you display this authentic interest, you will find that people are even more willing to share their knowledge with you.


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