What are the top three reasons your institution joined RAMP?
As one of the first members of RAMP, we joined in 2001 and remain a member for many reasons. First, we gain access to the resource-intensive investment strategies in line with best practices, and we use external managers to benchmark against our internally managed investment portfolios. Second, through our RAMP membership, we minimize our infrastructure costs and reduce the overall staff requirement and staff turnover risk. Third, we acquire specialized training, skills and knowledge from RAMP’s expertise.
What do you appreciate most about RAMP?
We most appreciate the transfer of knowledge and skills. Building competence internally is usually long and costly process, whereas having the support from an external partner like the World Bank speeds up the overall learning process and opens a window to the most advanced market practices.
What is one lesson you have learned from another RAMP member institution?
One of the most valuable aspects of being a RAMP member is its global network. Through workshops, webinars and other training events, we have met many other central bank colleagues. In one instance, through this network, we learned how to explore new investment strategies and begin investing in new asset classes, such as futures.
What's your favorite RAMP resource?
My favorite resource is RAMP advisory service, which share with us financial knowledge and expertise from World Bank experts and external consultants. RAMP’s individual consultations and onsite visits by the World Bank Treasury specialists help us prioritize and strategize our reserve management needs.
What's your favorite workshop?
My favorites include the Advanced Credit Risk workshop as well as the Portfolio Management, Performance Measurement, Attribution and Reporting workshop.