The World Bank Group hosted a two-day learning event, facilitated by the Office of Suspension and Debarment (OSD) and the WBG Sanctions Board Secretariat (SBS), for a delegation of attorneys from the All China Lawyers Association who were participating in a multi-week program with the International Law Institute in Washington, DC. The event introduced the delegation to various aspects of the World Bank Group's operations (IBRD/IDA, IFC, and MIGA), including the history of the organization, the Bank's work in furthering Public-Private Partnerships in partner countries, and the Bank's efforts to identify and mitigate integrity risks. Topics that were discussed during the event included: due diligence measures in private-sector projects, procurement rules and expectations in public-sector projects financed by the Bank, the Bank's two-tier sanctions system, and the Bank's approach to ensuring that companies released from sanctions have the appropriate internal controls to identify and avoid corruption risks going forward. OSD and SBS warmly thank the following units and staff for their substantive contributions to the seminar:
- World Bank Legal Vice Presidency (Vikram Raghavan, Belita Manka)
- IFC Business Risk & Compliance (John Coogan, Faisal Siddiqui, Huishu Ji)
- MIGA Legal Affairs and Claims (Dessislav Dobrev)
- World Bank Infrastructure, PPP & Guarantees Group (David Duarte)
- World Bank Group's Integrity Vice Presidency (Lisa Miller, Xuan Luo)
- Office of Suspension and Debarment (Collin Swan)
- World Bank Group Sanctions Board Secretariat (Eugenia Pyntikova)