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Protecting Our Forests: Youth Gather in Azerbaijan to Share Ideas

April 19, 2016

Activists from young forester movements in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine gather on the picturesque slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountains to discuss how best to contribute to protecting forests – the "green lungs of the planet."


Throughout a week-long camp, young foresters participated in an intensive and engaging program: they met with forestry specialists, made field trips to forests and historical places, conducted research, prepared presentations about their experience, and took part in ecological games and cultural events.


The visit to Ilisu Natural Reserve was a special treat. The fragile biodiversity of this area is dearly cherished, so not everybody is allowed to come here. Young foresters were asked to evaluate the condition of the forest ecosystem using ecological and geo-botanical research methods in Ilisu village. 



Participants had an opportunity to learn more about forest biodiversity, the impact of organic pollutants, as well as how forest resources - such as nuts, honey, and birch sap - are used in the national cuisine of various countries.


The Summer Camp helped foster cooperation, friendship and partnership among young people - the generation responsible for stewardship of forests in the future. 


The Camp was organized in the summer of 2015 as part of the Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) Program supported by the European Union in Eastern European countries participating in the European Neighborhood Partnership. It was implemented as a partnership between the World Bank, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and WWF.

The Program was created to combat threats posed to forests by illegal logging, trade, poaching and corruption, and works very closely with civil society organizations and government agencies.   

