Over the past decade, Azerbaijan has strived to improve the transparency and efficiency of its judicial services, with a view to boosting public confidence in the judiciary and the court system, and ultimately playing a role in the country’s social and economic development.
The World Bank is providing support to Azerbaijan through its financing and knowledge services, with a focus on improving access to justice, especially for the most vulnerable. As part of this ongoing effort, the Bank’s $200 million Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure Project ($100 million of which is financed by the IBRD) sets out to achieve a number of important objectives:
- Strengthening e-justice services and reducing corruption (for example, through e-notarial services, e-bailiffs, SMS-based services, ICT-enabled case management),
- Improving access to justice through legal aid and alternative dispute resolution systems,
- Reducing the burden of business inspections to facilitate faster private sector growth that in turn will generate jobs, spur economic growth and promote inclusive and diversified development.