The World Bank Brussels Office hosted a roundtable discussion on youth employment, bringing together European stakeholders: youth groups the private sector, EU institutions, the UN and international NGOs with the Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE) Coalition fostered by the WBG, to share ideas on how to tackle global youth unemployment.
As was remarked at the meeting over the next decade a billion people will enter the job market and the global economy will need to create five million jobs each month simply to keep employment rates constant, securing good jobs for youth will be a priority concern for both the developed and developing world. It will also be a key factor in the achievement of the soon to be adopted global Sustainable Development Goals.
S4YE is a new multi-stakeholder coalition of civil society, private sector groups and international organizations that develops innovative solutions through practical research and active engagement with public, private and Government stakeholders that can be delivered at scale. See a report of the meeting by Plan International, a member of the S4YE coalition. Organizations interested in joining the S4YE coalition can consult the Solutions for Youth Employment website.