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Levelling the Field report calls for African governments to help empower women farmers

June 25, 2014

  • Women farmers in Africa produce between 13% and 25% less than their male counterparts
  • A new report from the World Bank and the ONE Campaign identifies factors holding back women farmers and provides policy guidelines to reduce inequality
  • Addressing the agriculture gender gap will help drive economic growth across Africa

On June 5, in Berlin, Markus Goldstein and Malcolm Ehrenpreis from the World Bank’s Africa Gender Team presented Levelling the Field: Improving Opportunities for Women Farmers in Africa, published jointly by the World Bank Group and the ONE Campaign. The report, the first of its kind, with access to better data and new approaches to analyzing gender gaps, reveals deep rooted inequalities in African agriculture, identifies factors holding back women farmers, and sets out concrete actions that policy makers can take to reduce inequality. 


Q&A session at the "Levelling the Field: Improving Opportunities for Women Farmers in Africa" report launch.

" Poor women in particular are likely to confront multiple, overlapping constraints. Leveling the playing field and unleashing their economic potential could be a game-changer in tackling extreme poverty. "

Jeni Klugman

World Bank Group Gender and Development Director


"Levelling the Field: Improving Opportunities for Women Farmers in Africa" report.

Following the presentation, two discussants, Martina Padmanabhan of the University of Passau and Stefan Schmitz, head of rural development and food security at BMZ, commented on the report . The event closed with a Q&A session with the audience. Ministry and bilateral development agency representatives, German MPs, members of the diplomatic community, German CSO representatives, and members of the academic community were among those that attended the launch.

