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Cameroon Public Information Center

March 6, 2013

World Bank Policy on Access to Information

Since July 1, 2011, the Bank's approach moved from spelling out what information it can disclose, to one under which the Bank can make public any information in its possession that is not on a clear list of exceptions. Much more information is now available on key decisions made during project development and implementation, for example. These include decisions of project concept review meetings, project supervision missions, and mid-term project reviews.

The World Bank recognizes that transparency and accountability are of fundamental importance to the development process and to achieving its mission to alleviate poverty. Transparency is essential to building and maintaining public dialogue and increasing public awareness about the Bank’s development role and mission. It is also critical for enhancing good governance, accountability, and development effectiveness. Openness promotes engagement with stakeholders, which, in turn, improves the design and implementation of projects and policies, and strengthens development outcomes. It facilitates public oversight of Bank-supported operations during their preparation and implementation, which not only assists in exposing potential wrongdoing and corruption, but also enhances the possibility that problems will be identified and addressed early on.

As a development finance institution, the Bank strives to be transparent about its projects and programs (particularly with groups affected by its operations), to share its global knowledge and lessons of experience with the widest possible audience, and to enhance the quality of its operations by engaging with a broad range of stakeholders.

As an intergovernmental organization owned by countries, the Bank is accountable for public money, and has an obligation to be responsive to the questions and concerns of its shareholders

As a borrower, the Bank has established that meaningful disclosure of information helps attract purchasers to its securities.
As an employer, the Bank seeks to provide its employees with all the information they need to perform their duties

This Policy is based on five principles:

  • Maximizing access to information.
  • Setting out a clear list of exceptions.
  • Safeguarding the deliberative process.
  • Providing clear procedures for making information available.
  • Recognizing requesters’ right to an appeals process

Language: French and English
Holdings: World Bank reports and main Publications
Online Access: Please go to:  or to
Online Bank Library:
The World Bank’s Access to Information Policy:

Cameroon Depository Libraries


Buea University [ Depository Library ]
Address :
P.O. Box 63
FAK Division, South West Province
Tel : (237) 33 32 2134
Fax : (237) 33 43 22 72


University of Dschang [ Regional Library ]
Address :
Central Library
B.P. 255
Tel : (237) 33 45 13 51
Fax : (237) 33 45 14 36/ 33 45 12 02
Telex : 7013 KN


University of N’Gaoundéré [ Regional Library ]
Library Address :
P.O. Box 454
Tel : (237) 77 64 48 72
Fax : (237) 22 25 25 99


Catholic University of Central Africa [ Depository Library ]
Address :
Main Library
B.P. 11628
Tel : (237) 22 23 74 00/ 22 23 74 01
Fax : (237) 22 23 74 02
Telex : ADY 8681 KN
World Bank Cameroon Satellite Public Information Centers

Yaoundé - Tsinga

RECAAD-CAMEROON (Reflection and Concrete Actions for African Development)
Gabi Wambo Laurent
Tel: 237 22 13 63 66
237 75 67 23 38

Yaoundé – Biyam Assi

CAMLEAD (Cameroon League for Development)
James Mbungyuh Tseyah
BP 31332 Biyam Assi Yaoundé
Tel.: 237 76 50 25 20 or 237 99 44 78 76 Tseyah


Global Network for Good Governance (GNGG)
Justice Mukete Tahle Itoe
P.O Box 607 Limbe
South West - Cameroon
Phone: (237) 77 53 66 82
Fax: (237) 33 33 31 75


CAYA (Cameroon Active Youth Association)
Leonel Kungaba
North West
Tel.: 237 99 01 57 13


KUDOC (Kumbo Development and Orientation Center)
Dr. Banadzem Joseph, PhD
General coordinator
Tel: (237)-77 62 17 72


Tangka Eric Dindze
Project officer
Tel: (273) 74 02 19 72


LINKCORP (The Link Corporation)
Ndonwi Derick Shu
The Coordinator
P.O.Box 2092
North West Region Tel: 237 77 96 50 13

For further information, please contact Helene Pieume at

