Over the last 20 years the World Bank has helped improve people’s lives in Ukraine by supporting 40 projects totaling about US$7 billion, and sharing its global knowledge and experience.
The World Bank has been actively supporting Ukraine’s transition to a market economy and its efforts to reduce poverty. Projects supported by the World Bank in Ukraine have created jobs, provided water and energy, strengthened financial systems, transferred skills and technological know-how, and helped Ukraine tap its natural resources in an environmentally sustainable way.
Today the World Bank supports Government programs aimed at bettering the lives of ordinary citizens, including through improving infrastructure, systems to help the poor, and public resource management. Here are some Ukrainian achievements the World Bank has supported.
Building the public sector
- The State Securities and Stock Market Commission created.
- National accounting standards for public sector fully developed and approved.
- Fully functional, automated Treasury system designed and implemented.
Improving the tax system
- Tax exemptions and privileges reduced by 55%.
- After the modernization of the State Tax Service 32% more taxes now paid.
Promoting international trade
- WTO membership in 2008
Eliminating poverty
- Poverty reduced by 35% from 2001 to 2008.
- 750 territorial centers created extending social services to 547,000 elderly and disabled people.
- Time to process applications for social assistance reduced by three hours.
Supporting communities
- 373 Schools and Kindergartens rehabilitated so over 120,000 children can now study more effectively.
- 59 Community Cultural Centers rehabilitated.
- 47 Health Posts rehabilitated.
Giving land back to the people
- Over 4 million state land deeds for land parcels issued.
- The Center for the State Land Cadastre established.
- The total area used by private and household farmers increased by 240,000 hectares.
Supporting equal access to quality education
- The proportion of students from the poorest families attending rural hub schools almost doubled.
- 530 computer classes established in rural schools and connected to the Internet.
- 100 school buses improved transportation of about 5000 pupils between school and home.
- Independent testing system introduced.
Improving Municipal Services
- Regular water supply provided for the first time to the citizens of Lviv.
Increasing reliability of energy supply
- The output of the Dnipro Hydropower Cascade increased by the equivalent of a major hydropower plant.
Increasing confidence in the banking sector
- The financial system stabilized and the loss of deposits stemmed in 2009.
- Six million depositors regained access to their deposits after 2009 as a result of a financial sector rehabilitation program.
- Adequate capitalization of the banking system was maintained during the 2008-2009 financial crises.
- Aggregate exports from 2006 to 2012 increased by 20%.
Preserving the environment
- Kyoto agenda in Ukraine adopted.
- The Carpathians Biosphere Reserve expanded by 24,000 hectares.
Connecting to Space
- Sea Launch conducted 33 successful satellites launches enhancing Ukraine’s Space potential.
Knowledge Bank
- Country Economic Memorandums provided a unique X-ray of the Ukrainian economy.
- Public Financial Management Reports highlighted bottlenecks and constraints to greater efficiency in the Ukrainian public sector.
- Health and Demography studies diagnosed the health crisis in Ukraine.
- A Public Procurement Review revealed loopholes that allowed corruption to flourish.
- Public Procurement Law adopted.
- Pension reform launched.