Seminar 1:
Strategic planning of social services, driving equity and access for all
Seminar 1:
Strategic planning of social services, driving equity and access for all
Effective planning for social services requires coordination among key stakeholders, reliable data on population needs and adequate financing. Across Europe and Central Asia (ECA), countries adopt different approaches to designing and delivering social services, with some countries emphasizing local autonomy while others follow national guidelines. However, access to services remains unequal within countries, particularly in rural areas, due to gaps in data availability, differences in targeting mechanisms, and disparities in financing capacity.
This session will examine how governments plan social services to meet users' needs, define roles and responsibilities between different levels of government, and determine which services to provide in alignment with population needs. The session will also discuss the link between planning and financing and how these elements influence equity and access to social services. Experiences from Lithuania, Spain and Italy will be presented to bring different perspectives in the design and planning of social services.
About the webinar series: Strengthening social services at the local level - challenges, innovations, and lessons learned
In response to growing demand from countries, the World Bank is expanding its engagement in social services to build more comprehensive and resilient support systems. The Social Protection in Europe and Central Asia unit at the World Bank is organizing a series of exchanges, bringing together experts, policymakers, and practitioners to share lessons learned and best practices for strengthening social services at the local level.
The sessions aim to contribute to the ongoing reforms and development of social services by exchanging knowledge about different experiences on planning, financing and delivering social services at the local level. The discussions will inform and support World Bank clients’ ongoing efforts in the development of inclusive, equitable, and sustainable social services. The target audience for these sessions is experts, policymakers and practitioners in the social services sector in Europe.