The World Bank Group, including representatives from the World Bank's Energy & Extractives Global Practice and IFC will speak at the following Mining Indaba events.
Ministerial Symposium
Participants: Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives, World Bank; Robert Schlotterer, Manager and Global Head, Energy and Extractives, World Bank; Valerie Levkov, Global Industry Director for Energy, Metals & Mining, and Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory, IFC
Time: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Location: Intergovernmental Summit, Level 2, CTICC2
Interactive Workshop 1 – Maximising Africa’s critical minerals endowment
Participants: Namrata Thapar, Senior Manager, Global Metals & Mining, IFC
Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Location: CTICC2
World Bank Industry Intel Session: Beyond Extraction: Building Infrastructure, Skills, and Value in African Mining
Participants: Hon. Paul C. Kabuswe, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Republic of Zambia; Hiroyuki Tsuruno, Director for Development Issues, International Organizations Division, Ministry of Finance, Japan; Richard Morgan, Head of Government Relations, Anglo American; Marie-Chantal Uwanyiligira, World Bank Country Director for Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Guinea, and Togo; Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives, World Bank; Sven Renner, EGPS Program Manager, World Bank; Martin Lokanc, Senior Mining Specialist, World Bank; Boubacar Bocoum, Lead Mining Specialist, World Bank; Nathan Belete, Country Director, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, World Bank; Robert Schlotterer, Manager and Global Head, Energy and Extractives, World Bank
Time: 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Location: CTICC1, Roof Terrace Room
What Needs to Change to Harness the Full Potential of ASM?
Participants: Rachel Perks, Senior Mining Specialist, World Bank
Time: 9:00 AM–10:00 AM
Location: CTICC1
Disruptive Discussions: Africa’s infrastructure potential - Replicating a successful Brazilian model
Participants: Valerie Levkov, Global Industry Director for Energy, Metals & Mining, and Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory, IFC
Time: 09:05 AM-09:45 AM
Location: CTICC1
Industrializing Africa - What Will it Take to Increase Investment in Midstream and Downstream Manufacturing Facilities?
Participants: Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives, World Bank
Time: 9:45 AM–10:30 AM
Location: Ballroom, CTICC1
Transforming Governments' Permitting Process - Can the Dream Become Reality?
Participant: Martin Lokanc, Senior Mining Specialist, World Bank
Time: 10:30 AM–11:15 AM
Location: CTICC1
The Symbiotic Approach – Strengthening Global Mineral Supply Through Greater African Industrialization
Participant: Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives, World Bank
Time: 2:45 PM–13:30 PM
Location: Second Floor Concourse l, CTICC2
Sustainability series: Are mining companies being honest in reporting their ESG and sustainability impacts?
Participants: Henriette Kolb, Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: CTICC1
Commodity Roundtables – Copper
Participants: Ekaterina Autet, Senior Investment Officer, Global Metals & Mining, IFC
Time: 11:00 AM-11:45 AM
Location: CTICC1
Bauxite: Unlocking the Downstream Aluminum Door
Participant: Boubacar Boucoum, Lead Mining Specialist, World Bank
Time: 12:35 PM–1:20 PM
Location: Ballroom, CTICC1
Ivory Coast Country Showcase
Participants: Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives, World Bank; Rachel Perks, Senior Mining Specialist, World Bank; Robert Schlotterer, Manager and Global Head, Energy and Extractives, World Bank
Time: 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Location: CTICC2
Interactive Workshops (Automotive Session)
Participants: Ken Osei, Principal Investment Officer, IFC
Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Location: CTICC2
Powering the Climate-Smart Mine
Participant: Robert Schlotterer, Manager and Global Head, Energy and Extractives, World Bank
Time: 3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Location: Southern Sun, The Cullinan Hotel
Financing Africa’s Transition Minerals: Unlocking Value Chains for Sustainable Growth
Participants: Martin Lokanc, Senior Mining Specialist
Time: 9:00 AM–4:30 PM
Location: Protea Hotel, North Wharf (1 Lower Bree Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, South Africa)