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Hidden in Plain Sight: The Global Mental Health Crisis

December 4, 2024

Vector: NStafeeva / Shutterstock

Mental health challenges are hidden in plain sight, affecting one billion people worldwide. Yet despite this staggering number, these challenges often remain invisible, misunderstood, or ignored. This high-level knowledge exchange event will bring together government officials, experts, practitioners, and other stakeholders to discuss the global mental health crisis and its impacts on individuals, communities, and economies. Countries across all income levels – whether high, middle, or low-income – face significant challenges in addressing mental health needs. This event will identify evidence-based interventions that can be scaled up across settings.


  • Time: December 4, 2024: 14:00 – 16:30 pm (KST) / December 3, 2:00 am - 4:30 am (EST)
  • Venue: The Plaza Hotel Seoul, Ruby Hall (22F)