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Human Capital Ministerial Conclave Annual Meetings 2024

October 24, 2024
Washington, D.C.

On October 24, 2024, 33 countries joined the Annual Meetings Human Capital Ministerial Conclave to discuss how to equip young women and men with the skills to build resilience and thrive in a fast-changing world and boost women’s economic opportunities and leadership.

Ministers of Finance, Budget, and Planning from Georgia, Côte d'Ivoire, Fiji, and Saudi Arabia shared their country experiences during the discussions. Experts on youth development and leaders from the private sector also joined: Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham Education Foundation; Mossadeck Bally, Founder, Azalaï Hotels; Brent Roberts, Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Roya Mahboob, Founder and CEO, Digital Citizen Fund; and Esther Waititu, Chief Financial Services Officer, Safaricom. World Bank Managing Director of Operations, Anna Bjerde, participated in the second session, and Vice President for People, Mamta Murthi, opened and closed the event.

Young people today need a toolkit of skills for work and life that includes basic literacy and numeracy; digital skills; and social, emotional, and behavioral skills.

  • Governments can deliver these skills by prioritizing quality education and training at the primary and secondary levels and strengthening links to the labor market.

  • The World Bank Group can deepen the evidence base on education and skills programs for today’s changing world of work, including experiential and non-formal learning, and support new partnerships with the private sector.

Investing in skills can expand opportunities for young women and accelerate equality.

  • Governments can promote inclusive and effective learning for young women and men; support young women in the transition from school to work; and invest in young women’s skills for quality jobs and entrepreneurship.

  • The World Bank Group can partner with countries to advance gender equality through education and skilling programs and new commitments on broadband use, social protection, and access to capital.