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Debt Management Facility Stakeholders' Forum 2024

June 19-20, 2024
Livingstone, Zambia

The 14th Debt Management Facility (DMF) Stakeholders’ Forum, organized by the World Bank, will focus on “Debt Management for Resilience: Adapting to Changes and Challenges.

A combination of expansionary fiscal policies, external shocks, and high borrowing on international and domestic capital markets led to a rapid increase in public debt levels between 2010 and 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated this trend. As budgets were consolidated and interest rates rose to restore macroeconomic stability, global liquidity conditions became increasingly challenging. This raised concerns about debt sustainability in many countries that have found it more difficult to service and refinance their sovereign debt obligations. Meanwhile, fiscal space has narrowed significantly at a time when countries must invest in climate resilience. With debt vulnerabilities remaining high, debt managers face challenges in raising financing both domestically and internationally. The Forum aims to discuss the current debt landscape and explore opportunities to address these pressing issues.