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Report Launch Event - A Story of Urban Development in Korea: From Overconcentration toward Balanced Territorial Development and Urban Regeneration

April 3, 2024
Banner Urban Development in Korea

The event will provide opportunities for the audience to gain insights from the World Bank and Korean experts on the global urbanization challenges and insights from Korea’s evolving urban development experience. The event will highlight policy initiatives undertaken by the Korean government to manage urban expansion, promote balanced territorial development and facilitate urban regeneration, tracing back to the 1960s when Korea embarked on its rapid economic growth and urbanization journey. A panel discussion will further explore how Korea's experiences can aid developing countries and discuss forward-looking strategies for creating sustainable and inclusive urban environments both in Korea and across the globe.

Most countries experience unbalanced growth between regions—the capital versus other cities, or small versus large cities— during their national economic growth. Rapid urbanization can serve as an economic catalyst but can create challenges of unbalanced regional growth. While primary cities suffer from overconcentration and reduce livability, suburban areas or smaller cities may lose urban competitiveness due to a lack of job and educational opportunities. Moreover, as cities mature and age, they present new challenges, such as degenerating buildings without climate-resilient features, abandoned industrial facilities, and housing lacking energy efficiency.

Report Cover
The World Bank's Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience, and Land Global Practice (URL) has recently published a report titled “A Story of Urban Development in Korea: From Overconcentration toward Balanced Territorial Development and Urban Regeneration," in collaboration with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH). This report provides a guide to Korea's urban development trajectory, offering valuable insights for other countries and cities facing urban challenges in achieving Smart, Green, and Inclusive urban growth.

The event will provide opportunities for the audience to gain insights from the World Bank and Korean experts on the global urbanization challenges and insights from Korea’s evolving urban development experience. The event will highlight policy initiatives undertaken by the Korean government to manage urban expansion, promote balanced territorial development and facilitate urban regeneration, tracing back to the 1960s when Korea embarked on its rapid economic growth and urbanization journey. A panel discussion will further explore how Korea's experiences can aid developing countries and discuss forward-looking strategies for creating sustainable and inclusive urban environments both in Korea and across the globe.


  • Date/Time: April 03, Wednesday, 2024, 14:00-15:30 KST
  • Location: LH Business Growth Center, Seongnam, Republic of Korea
Online Participation