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World Bank Tokyo Online Morning Seminar #186 “Migrants, Markets, and Mayors: Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities”

January 30, 2024
Tokyo, Japan

Research on migration and urban development in Africa has primarily focused on larger cities and rural-to-urban migration. However, 97 percent of Africa’s urban centers have fewer than 300,000 inhabitants, and a sizable share of urban migrants come from other urban areas. A more holistic and dynamic perspective, incorporating migration flows along the full urban hierarchy, as well as urban-urban migrants, is needed to better understand and leverage migration for urban development. Migrants, Markets, and Mayors: Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities  draws on demographic data, research literature, key informant interviews, and empirical research to better understand how migrants in Africa’s secondary cities fare in urban labor markets, how they affect aggregate urban productivity, and how mayors can leverage migrants’ potential to the benefit of all. It explores these questions across countries and four urban case settings: Jijiga in Ethiopia, Jinja in Uganda, and Jendouba and Kairouan in Tunisia.

At this online seminar, Nancy Lozano Garcia, Lead Economist for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Region and the co-author of the report, presented the main points. 


8am-9am, Tuesday January 30, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)


Nancy Lozano Garcia
Lead Economist for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank 

Presentation Material

Migrants, Markets, and Mayors Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities (PDF)

Questions to the speaker:

Please send your questions to the speaker via online form posted on this webpage.


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  • DATE / TIME: 8am-9am, Tuesday January 30, 2024 (JST)
  • FORMAT: Online (Youtube) *No registration is required
  • LANGUAGE: English (no interpretation to Japanese)
  • CONTACT: Koichi Omori, World Bank Tokyo Office 