You can watch the CSPF sessions below, or on the IMF Civil Society Page.
The Civil Society Policy Forum was held in Washington, DC, from April 17-19, 2024.
The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) has become an integral part of the World Bank -International Monetary Fund Spring and Annual Meetings, providing an open space for Civil Society Organizations from all over the world (CSOs)* to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank Group and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of topics.
The CSPF was held from April 17-19, 2024. The CSPF hosted 27 CSO-led sessions on priority development issues, including climate, human development, gender, agriculture, governance, accountability, citizen engagement, and financing. These sessions were selected in coordination with the CSPF Working Group.
Find the schedule here.
For additional information about the Spring and Annual Meetings and CSPF, please see the Frequently Asked Questions document.
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*CSOs include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples movements, faith-based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations. Representatives from the private sector, academia or governmental bodies must apply for accreditation through the "Guests" or other respective registration category as clarified on the main Spring Meetings website.
Prioritizing Marginalized Groups in Social Protection Projects
Organizers: Bank Information Center, Outright International, ANPPCAN Nigeria
Biden Pauses LNG; COP28 Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Decision - Is World Bank Lagging on Fossil Fuels?
Organizers: MENAFem Movement, Don’t Gas Africa, FARN, ACCESS Coalition, Recourse, BWP, Christian Aid, Oil Change International
Agriculture, Financialization, and Gender: Exploring the World Bank’s Response to Interlinked Phenomena
Organizer: CAFOD, Bretton Woods Project
Examining the Progress of the World Bank’s Commitment to Universal Social Protection
Organizers: Bretton Woods Project, Human Rights Watch, ACT Church of Sweden, Development Pathways
Harnessing the Power of African Parliamentarians and CSOs: Leveraging IDA for Impact on Health and Nutrition
Association De Soutien A L’Autopromotion Sanitaire Urbaine
Making the New Loss and Damage Fund a Success – Recommendations by Climate Vulnerable Civil Society
Organizers: MCII, ICSC, FFC, SLYCAN Trust, CPDC
Governance Reform Through Transparency - The Role of Civil Society in Combating Corruption
Organizers: Africa Faith and Justice Network, Jubilee USA, Ghana Integrity Initiative, Center for Accountability and Rule of Law, American Friends Service Committee
Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery During and After the War
Organizer: Agency for Recovery and Development (ARD)
80 Years After Bretton Woods: Towards Rights-Based Decolonial, Green, and Gender Just Transformation of the IFA
Latindadd, Bretton Woods Project, ActionAid, Oxfam, MENAFem Movement, Recourse, CEPR, Jubilee USA, Partners In Health
When Exits and Accountability Collide: What Happens When IFC Exits Projects Mid-Accountability Process?
Organizers: CIEL, Accountability Counsel, BIC, IDI, PMCJ, Recourse, Urgewald, AWC, CEE Bankwatch, Green Advocates
Civil Society and Youth Engagement for the Global Financing Facility in 2024: Equity, Access, Accountability
Organizers: Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF, Global Youth Platform, GFF NGO Host at PAI
Financing a Just Transition: Feminist Perspectives on Innovative Climate Finance Instruments Amid Multiple Crises
Organizer: Akina Mama Wa Afrika
If Not Now, When? 2024 Actions for World Leaders to Safeguard Against Future Pandemics
Organizers: PAN, Global Health Council, AHF, CISDI, EANNASO, South Eastern Europe Regional TB and HIV Community Network
Rebalancing Public Finance for Justice and Equity: African Perspectives on IDA21
Organizers: Power Shift Africa, Recourse, MENAFem
The Impact of IFC Investments in Education: The Accountability Gap and Lessons for Other DFIs
Organizers: East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRight), Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GIESCR), ActionAid, Oxfam
Beyond Size in IDA21 Replenishment - What About SocioEconomic Transformation?
Organizers: Eurodad, Afrodad, Oxfam International, Bretton Woods Project, SEATINI, ACET
Energizing Change: Assessing Local Impacts of WBG’s Energy Transition Projects in Latin America
Organizers: FARN, BIC, Coalition for Human Rights in Development, AIDA, Sustentarse, CIEL, DAR, GT Infraestrutura
Adequate Disclosure, Public Review, and Consultation for Environmental and Social Impacts Before World Bank Financing Decisions
Organizers: Senik Centre Asia, Accountability Counsel, Inclusive Development International, PMCJ, CIEL, MENAFem Movement, Recourse, Bank Climate Advocates
The CSPF Working Group members are elected every two years by CSOs who have attended Spring and Annual Meetings in the past. The current CSPF Working Group members are serving a term that runs from January 1, 2022 for two years.