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Enhancing Financial Stability and Promoting Innovative Finance and Inclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic

December 4, 2023
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

The World Bank, Government of Switzerland, and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic are hosting a roundtable discussion titled "Enhancing Financial Stability and Promoting Innovative Finance and Inclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic."

The event, bringing together policymakers and international and domestic experts in the field of finance, will highlight the achievements under the completed Financial Sector Development Program and the lessons learned for the newly launched successor project, Finance for Development (F4D) partnership in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The new F4D project will focus on:

  • Modernizing legal, regulatory, and supervisory frameworks to enhance financial stability;
  • Supporting financial deepening and inclusion through innovative new products and expansion of existing ones for under-served population and micro-, medium, and small enterprises (MSMEs), in a more cost-effective and efficient manner; and
  • Catalyzing green and sustainable finance through promoting innovative financing.

By implementing these measures, the project aims to improve the financial sector in the Kyrgyz Republic and contribute to the country's sustainable economic growth and development.