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Joint World Bank - Arab Monetary Fund Workshop to discuss new initiative to support State-Owned Enterprise reforms

October 2, 2023
Abu Dhabi
State Owned Enterprises Reforms in the Arab Region

Port of Rades, Tunisia. 

Photo: © Dana Smillie / World Bank

Joint World Bank / AMF workshop to discuss the MENA SOE Compact

A new initiative to promote SOE reform based on peer-to-peer learning and international good practices

The purpose of the joint World Bank -Arab Monetary Fund virtual workshop was to present and discuss the Middle East and North of Africa (MENA) State Owned Enterprises (SOE) Compact – a recent initiative by the World Bank to encourage SOE reforms based on peer-to-peer learning, international good practices, and a shared framework of commitments – and to learn from cutting-edge SOE reform experiences from the region.

100+ participants attended the workshop, and it was one of the regional events toward the “Road to Marrakech,” the World Bank’s Annual Meetings.