Many women in the Kyrgyz Republic lack equal or similar opportunities to earn income compared to men. In 2022, labor force participation for women was 44.1 percent compared to 74.5 percent for men, and substantial gender gaps remain in entrepreneurship and wages, with women earning only 75 percent of what men earn. Women in the Kyrgyz Republic face multiple barriers to paid employment and starting businesses, including lack of STEM and other skills in high demand, lack of training and access to credit, legal barriers, expectations to provide unpaid care work and other household responsibilities, in addition to restrictive social norms on women’s roles and value in the workplace.
To tackle these challenges, the Livelihoods for Youth (L4Y) Community Support Project, which received financing from the Japan Social Development Fund and was implemented by the Aga Khan Foundation, financed small social and economic infrastructure investments in communities, as well as capacity building and technical support to youth and youth-led enterprises, which are also helping to support economic infrastructure investments under the World Bank-funded CASA-1000 Community Support Project.
At this seminar, the task team from the World Bank and the implementing agency Aga Khan Foundation shared the experiences through this project.
4pm-5:30pm, Wednesday June 14, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
*Hybrid format (participation at the WB Tokyo Office or online via Webex)
Maitreyi Das
Director, Trust Funds and Partner Relations, World Bank
Shin Yamamoto
Deputy Director, MDBs Division, International Bureau, Ministry of Finance
Luiza Nora
Senior Social Development Specialist, World Bank
Aida Bolotbekova
Agha Khan Foundation
Arslan Miiashev
Agha Khan Foundation
Yolanda Azarcon
PHRD and JSDF Administrator, World Bank
Koichi Omori
Senior External Affairs Officer, World Bank
Presentation material
Livelihoods for Youth (L4Y) Community Support Project (PDF)