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Pathways for Peace: Progress on Preventing Conflict

April 14, 2023
MC4-800 and online

People living in situations already affected by structural fragility and violent conflict are being hit particularly hard by the world's current "poly crisis" --simultaneous or successive shocks that are hindering economic recovery, intensifying deprivation and social divisions. 

On the fifth anniversary of the seminal UN-World Bank report “Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict”, join us to discuss the progress made on the preventive agenda and suggest ways to scale up the impact in global hotspots facing multiple crises.



Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations

Anna Bjerde, Managing Director, Operations, World Bank

Ernesto Max Tonela, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mozambique

Romuald Wadagni, Minister of Economy and Finance for Benin

Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation, Denmark

Woochong Um, Managing Director General, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Gwen Hines, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children UK


Alexandre Marc, Associate Fellow, International Institute for Strategic Studies



April 14, 10:30-11:45 am